Thursday, January 8, 2015

Some Thoughts on Goals and Stuff

So. I guess it's 2015. That's weird to write.

So. Tomorrow I'll be 23. Wow. That's even weirder to write.

I've been thinking a lot about what I want to accomplish in my twenty-third year. There's really so much I want to do that it's overwhelming. Luckily, while flipping through the latest issues of Women's Health I stumbled upon some much needed perspective about goals. Some wise woman over there at WH said, while it's great to have long term goals, it can be discouraging to not be able to make big strides towards your goals on a daily basis, so it's equally important to remember to focus on smaller, daily achievements.

The perfectionist in me gets so wrapped up in the major life changes I want to make that it's an endless cycle of starting and stopping, feeling motivated and discouraged, and inevitable very little changes. So this year, instead of attempting to pinpoint any of the typical, immense and unreasonable goals, I've made some daily goals to focus on. By next year I will be looking back on the result of 356 small achievements that when combined will add up to great things.

Speaking of life changes, I've also been looking into staying in Spain for another year. I go back and forth on the subject. But right now, I'm making plans to extend my stay. The past few months I have learned a lot about, well, about a lot. I thought I was independant before, but try living without a support system. Mostly it's very lonely, but when you're forced to get to know yourself and rely on yourself unlike ever before you realize how incredibly precious that is. I also want to travel more, I just don't feel like I've done enough. It's expensive and little difficult to get to places from La Coruña, but if I get my visa renewed for another year, that's another year full of traveling possibilities.

There is so much to see and to do, so many people to meet and experiences to share. I don't want to return home until I've done and seen everything, or at least enough to make me sound really cool and super marketable to employers...kidding... but not really. I also realized on my recent trip home for the holidays that my home, will always be there, my parents and my friends and my city will always have my heart. I guess those needlepoint pillows have a good point, "Home is where the heart is."

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